
Monday, March 3, 2014

Subversion Perl bindings for Git-Svn..getting rid of Can't locate SVN/ in @INC.Getting Git-SVN working on RHEL6

Getting the actual svn to git migration was simple, but getting my RHEL 6 system to a state where I could run git-svn...phew that was a long hard trek. 

The quickest way to get your system to a state where you can run svn to git migration would be to rely on Atlassian has a jar svn-migration-scripts.jar.

Download that and run :

java -jar ~/svn-migration-scripts.jar verify

This will give you the delta between where your system is and where it should be in order to get the migration done.
Get the required version of Git and Subversion installed.
In my case I got the got the following installed.
  • Git 1.8.4
  • Subversion 1.7.16 or higher
Then typed git-svn and got the following error:

 Can't locate SVN/

Basically the subversion perl bindings are missing.
There are tons of blogs an resources on how to get that working.
None of it work perfectly for me. Finally what worked was:
PS: I had root permissions on this VM
  •  Install Perl 5.18.2 (My RHEL6 only had perl5 )
    • Get the tar
    • Untar and go through the README, and Chown -R root:root perl-5.18.2
    •  Run the configure command:
      • ./Configure -des -prefix=/usr/local   This will create a ./ file in the same folder
      • Run the ./ file. this will generate the make file
      • Run the following
        • Make
        • Make test
        • Make install
      • Perl 5.18.2 is now installed to /usr/local
    • Set PERL5LIB to /usr/local/lib and export variable PERL5LIB 
      • export PERL5LIB=/usr/local/lib
    •  The type
      • cpan SVN::Core    and wait for it to finish
    • The find the location of git-svn
      • find / -name git-svn
      • vi git-svn and change the perl path to point to  5.18.2. perl and then save the change 
      •  That was it, git-svn worked like a charm.

If these steps do not get you where you want to be, here are some of the resources that have various solutions to the same issue.

1 comment:

  1. For me, adding yum repository, worked. It had required subversion and subversion-perl packages.

    yum install --enablerepo=rpmforge-extras subversion subversion-perl
